we presume Security is always equal inconvenient, either form consumer point of view, or developer. as a consumer you have to remember passwords and configure stuff, and as a developer to need to make sure you put controls around authentication process and how passwords are being used. I agree that is inconvenient but are we doing Security in right way to start with?
Passwords as the best example are indeed inconvenient, imagine you have 20 keys to go to different rooms in your house, garage has a different one and back door and front door are different, kitchen drawers also have different keys…that is frankly the case for consumer today, but…
the usage of passwords is not being understood by developers, in fact they usually do not about other ways of authentication, it is like some days a group concluded that password is one of the easiest way of authentication but they are not convenient for end user, you should not be surprise to know that passwords of any kind are naturally insecure too.
so why we are using something that not only it is Not Secure, but also it Is Inconvenient? well, ask a software developer close to you, one that is a friend or family member and enough honest to confess.
most of the time, unfortunately, what we do is not necessarily what we should do even though we think software developer community is probably the smartest people out there, right? no offense, think twice and rely on Results.
bottom line, Security is for sure Inconvenient in The Way We Are Enforcing it. Passwords as an example, are not the 21st century way of authentication, they are not even secure, they have been Crackable forever and we continue to force consumer to have it change it, rely on it and blame them that they are using easily guess passwords. ok I will argue by saying, we are using and Easily Hackable system when we deploy password as a means of authentication.
so security is not inconvenient, in fact it is supposed to be convenient and actually introduce Convenience to a System, surprised by this last one, right?