“Talk doesn’t cook rice.”
Ancient Chinese Proverb
There is a saying in Persian…you won’t taste sweetness in your mouth just by say Sweet, Sweet, Sweet…but it looks like industry believe we can be Secure just by saying Secure, Security, Sec…
just by putting a Sec in front or end of a product, service, name, process, solution…we won’t end up having a secure one. just by having a motto with some “security” or “secure” in it we won’t be secure.
industry with support of market should focus on outcome not the surface. security professionals, IT leaders and software developers should enhance the state of security instead of finding creative ways to name and sell a security product, or filling up a fancy executive report, or compiling a fake security Policy…cyber security industry needs creativity and originality in remediation techniques.
I am so worried about seeing signs of cyber security industry following foot steps of pharmaceutical industry: let’s make pills as much effective as we do not lose our jobs…
“Fair words fill not the belly“
Japanese idiom