I am not the technical person but I must sell you something I have no clue about!

well, I actually changed the second part sarcastically, this is the original version: I am not the technical person but I really must sell you something today, can I connect you to another person in my company, an engineer perhaps? you know, we have a very great product but I am just lacking understanding what… Continue reading I am not the technical person but I must sell you something I have no clue about!

is Security inconvenient?

we presume Security is always equal inconvenient, either form consumer point of view, or developer. as a consumer you have to remember passwords and configure stuff, and as a developer to need to make sure you put controls around authentication process and how passwords are being used. I agree that is inconvenient but are we… Continue reading is Security inconvenient?

Attacks are not advanced, we are naive!

cyber attacks that you hear about them in news these days are not advanced at all, this is security community acting so naive and blind, knowingly and unknowingly which then implies into thinking that attacks are sophisticated. in mature industries like agriculture, professionals study their enemies and for centuries they have been able to defeat… Continue reading Attacks are not advanced, we are naive!