well, I actually changed the second part sarcastically, this is the original version: I am not the technical person but I really must sell you something today, can I connect you to another person in my company, an engineer perhaps? you know, we have a very great product but I am just lacking understanding what exactly my product is trying to do…or sorry it seems like I am not able to forward the message directly 🙂
the problem of selling something that salesman does not know about it is not new but in tech, in infotech, IT, whatever, in cyber security turns to something very rude and ridiculous. how can someone pick up a phone and call CTO of a company (that not me though) and say hey I “would like” to sell you “This” today but I do not know even an answer to the most basic questions in that regard?
I “really would like” to actually regulate this “Selling” practices in cyber security industry but I do not have the authority to make companies think about their sales force ability to understand what they are trying to sell and at least provide real training for them, not everyone can be qualified as that!
so you know what will happen then, they persist, those “imnotsurewhatimselling” sales force and some how they convince naive customer (which btw is a more serious problem) and outcome is security breach and saying wow that was a sophisticated attack, omg these hackers are getting better and better…
you get the idea.